Icons & Symbols

We use a number of icons throughout the apps and portal. This guide should help you get familiar with our icons and buttons.

Icons and Symbols

AddAdd a new sailing or friend
EnabledYou or your friend is taking part. When looking a friend's sailing this tells you that you are on the same sailing.
Add DisabledAdd a new sailing or friend has been disabled. You have probably already added
ChatChat with your friends
DeleteDelete the itinerary or friend from your profile.
BookingCreate or request a booking for the sailing
ExcursionView shore excursions for the port or location
ItinteraryThe daily itinerary for the sailing.
Port DayThe day is a port day.
Sea DayThe day is a sea day.
Receive NotificationsReceive notifications when events happen, such as when a friend adds a new sailing to their profile.
Receive Notifications DisabledDo NOT receive notifications when events happen, such as when a friend adds a new sailing to their profile.
Sync or ResendSynchronize your data with the service or resend an request or invitation
Sync DisabledThe data synchronization is currently in progress or unavailable.
Sync FailedThe data synchronization has FAILED. You should try again to ensure that all data is up to date.
Sync PartialThe data synchronization has been partially successful. Not all of the data has been updated from the service. You should try again to ensure that all data is up to date.
Sync SuccessThe data synchronization has been successful. The app has been updated with the latest data from the service.