
Your data belongs to you and you control who can view your data. Privacy settings are part of My Profile.

Your Sailings

The only users that can view your sailings are you and friends that you have connected with. No other users can view your sailings, regardless of your privacy settings.

Profile Privacy

Profile Privacy sets the visibility of your profile. You can specify which types of users can view your profile. Your profile privacy is different to your sailing privacy. Only people that you have connected to can view your sailings.

Noone can view your profile.

Only your friends can view your profile.

Friends of Friends
Your profile can be looked up and viewed by any person who is a friend of a mutual friend. So if person A knows person B and you know person B as well, then person A can look up and view your profile.

Your profile is publicly available and can be accessed by any user of Cruises with Friends.